Use of Technology-Based Interventions in the Treatment of Patients with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review


Introduction: Obesity is one of the most important health problems worldwide. The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in the last decades and is now recognized as a global epidemic. Given the dramatic consequences of obesity, new intervention approaches based on the potential of technologies have been developed. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies using PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, and MedLine databases to assess how different types of technologies may play an important role on weight loss in obese patients. Results: Forty-seven studies using different types of technologies including smartphones, app, websites, virtual reality and personal digital assistant were included in the review. About half of interventions (47%) found a significant effect of the technology-based interventions for weight lost in obese patients. The provision of feedback could also be effective as a complement to interventions carried out using technology to promote weight loss. Conclusions: The use of technologies can be effective to increase weight loss in patients with obesity improving treatment adherence through self-monitoring.

Read full text: Rumbo-Rodríguez L, Sánchez-SanSegundo M, Ruiz-Robledillo N, Albaladejo-Blázquez N, Ferrer-Cascales R, Zaragoza-Martí A. Use of Technology-Based Interventions in the Treatment of Patients with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2020; 12(12):3634.