Dear Colleagues,
It gives me a great pleasure to announce the launching of Exploration of Digital Health Technologies (EDHT), an open access journal published by Open Exploration Publishing in the field of digital health.
To promote the development of the journal, we are currently searching for Guest Editors who could lead Journal Special Issues in EDHT, as explicated below.
Needed qualifications for the Guest Editor-candidates
- Research experience in the topic of the suggested Journal Special Issue (see below the Aims and Scope of the journal)
- Scopus h-index reaching the medium level or above in the field of the Special Issue (in case of several Guest Editors, at least one of them should have Scopus h-index reaching the medium level or above)
What we offer
- All accepted manuscripts will be published in open access free of charge.
- 600 USD honorarium will go for the Guest Editor (or the Co Guest Editor team) providing that the Special Issue publishes at least 6 articles. If the Special Issue publishes over 10 articles, Guest Editor(s) will receive additional 400 USD bonus. The honorarium and bonus will be paid after this special issue is complete.
- All published manuscripts will have the chance to compete for “Most Cited Paper Award” to recognize the top six highly cited papers yearly (involving monetary awards for both the winning manuscript authors and the respective Guest Editor(s)).
In case of interest – please contact our journal assistant at
With best wishes,
Atanas G. Atanasov,
Principal Investigator, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Digital Health and Patient Safety:
Aims and Scope
Exploration of Digital Health Technologies (EDHT) is a peer-reviewed open access online journal. The journal publishes papers of the highest quality and significance in all areas related to digital health. Published are both core digital health-related articles (e.g., research in telemedicine, in electronic patient records) as well as works involving digital applications in the more broad biomedical research area (e.g., social media research with relevance to public health, works involving digitally-empowered open innovation applications with biomedical significance, biomedical eLearning and eTeaching).
Original research or review manuscripts of significance related to the following research topics will be considered:
★ Biosensors
★ Bioengineering
★ Biomedical applications of robotics
★ Bioinformatics
★ eHealth and mHealth
★ Biomedical applications of open innovation
★ Virtual reality applications in healthcare
★ Digital applications enabling point-of-care testing
★ Biomedical applications of social media
★ Medical informatics
★ Health-related implications of smartphones
★ Precision medicine
★ Biomedical application of citizen science
★ Telemedicine and telehealth
★ Biomedical applications of internet research
★ Digital applications in clinical trials
★ Biomedical research using websites or search-engines derived data
★ eLearning and eTeaching in the context of biomedical knowledge
★ Digital applications with relevance to public health (including remote monitoring of health-related parameters, teleprevention, teleepidemiology)
★ Applications of digitally enabled medical equipment
★ Biomedical applications of big data
★ Healthcare applications of 3D-printing
★ Outcomes of online surveys with biomedical significance
★ Research using electronic health records
★ Digital imaging with biomedical applications
★ Software development with biomedical applications
★ Biomedical applications of internet of things (IoT) and blockchain
★ Biomedical applications of wireless and mobile technologies
★ Applications of healthcare-related apps
★ Biomedical applications of artificial intelligence/ machine learning
★ Digital tools and technologies in healthcare
★ Wearables research
★ Health effects of the use of digital technologies
★ Biomedical applications of data science
★ Research involving video or audio data with biomedical significance
★ Applications involving serious games and other digital technologies for health-related education
★ Digital applications in healthcare management
★ Remote patient monitoring
★ Digital therapeutics
★ Digitally-enabled diagnostics