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2 Replies to “Leave a note”

  1. Dear respected member;

    I just completed my PhD and I would like to share a short note about myself.

    As passionate biologist, who is looking for ways of doing things in a conventional way and beyond.

    I am currently working on Microbiome dysbiosis in Gut-Brain Axis on Autism, Depression and Diabetic patients as well as Differentially Gene Expression analysis in Knockout mice and Single cell analysis from various tissues derived from Knockout mice. I also work on miRNA and their target genes in collaboration with veterinary medicine department.

    Looking at my pedigree, my goal is to continue working on the area to continue unfolding the myth of these microbes’/key genes in relation to neuronal diseases and beyond. As well as exploring various DEGs data from mouse models that can be related to brain disorders, and beyond.

    [Summary of my PhD]

    During my PhD, I was able to identify the microbiome dysbiosis based on their gram-positivity and gram-negativity. The endotoxicity of LPS depends on lipid A moiety which is produced by gram-negative bacteria, which we found to be highly increased in individuals with ASD, and proposed few bacteria to be the risk factors. This is related to neural inflammation. Further, we explore the carbohydrate active enzymes distributions among some species that are significantly found in gut microbiota of individuals suffering from ASD.
    Lastly, using KO mouse, we used a novel gene related to depression, anxiety and stress for differential expression analysis by exploring various tissues derived from RNA-Seq data. The result was highly impressive and related to ASD.
    I would like to continue exploring this field related to neuronal disorders, stress, and anxiety and beyond.
    Based on my bioinformatics skills, I was able to perform analysis that validate the relationship between COVID-19 and Cytokine storms. Also, collaborate with Veterinary medicine department for miRNA target genes analysis related to oocytes. I am also in collaboration with various groups, by which we are working on cancer DEGs data using bioinformatics approach.

    Having said this about myself, I am OPEN FOR A POSTDOCTORAL POSITION OR ANY OPPORTUNITY that I can fit in.

    Thank you.

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